::Ana Muslimah::

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Langkah Ini... Akan pasti terhenti. Namun,Sebelum janji itu terpatri, Sebelum masa itu tiba, Akan ku teruskan hayunan langkah. Biar dihadapannya mehnah, Akan ku gagah melangkah. Biar kaki ini luka berdarah, Tidak sekali ku menyerah kalah. Demi sebuah CITA dan CINTA, Aku tidak berputus asa. Andai ditakdirkan jasad ini rebah, Hati Redha kerana-Mu ALLAH... Demi CITA-NYA, Demi CINTA-NYA, Akan aku GAGAH!

~Dunia & Batasan~

Ruangan ini ruangan ilham. Tentang warna-warni kehidupan insan. Soal keilmuan, sejarah, tokoh, srikandi, hobi, cita-cita dan impian, alam dan peristiwa. Tidak mampu dilakar dengan lukisan maka yang terzahir hanyalah luahan kata dari pena bisu. Segalanya saling berkaitan. Apa yang tersimpan adalah hak peribadi dan persendirian, bukan tujuan komersial dan perdagangan. Tiada limitasi dalam perkongsian cuma hanya perlu berhati-hati dalam memilih tindakan. Dunia maya tanpa sempadan namun dunia nyata punya batasan.

Khamis, Januari 05, 2012

Mulakan Tahun Baru Dengan MEMBACA

"Mengorak Langkah Mencetus Paradigma Generasi Solehah..."
How Goodreads Can Help You Read More Books in 2012

Bismillah wa Hamdan syukran lillah.

Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah. Allahuakbar. Segala puji bagi Allah yang masih memberi kita kesempatan untuk bernafas lagi sehingga ke detik ini. Tahun Baru, Ujian dan Mehnah yang Baru, Tapi Jasad masih sama. =) Sempena tahun baru yang telah menjengahkan dirinya, saya mahu menyeru dan mengajak kepada diri dan sahabat-sahabat dan saudara saya (andalah!), JOM KITA MEMBACA. CABAR DIRI, AKAL, IMAN DAN ILMU ANDA DENGAN MEMBACA!

Disini saya kongsikan sebuah web yang menganjurkan 'Reading Challenge' untuk diri sendiri. Bukan untuk pertandingan ya! =) Tapi sebelum tu, kena jadi ahli la dulu ye. =) Kemudian tetapkanlah skor dan 'goal' yang anda ingin capai. Selamat Membaca! =)

Posted by Patrick on January 04, 2012
Drink less coffee. Volunteer more. Join a gym. Every year we make resolutions that we think will make us better people—more considerate, more well-rounded (or, in the words of Radiohead, "Fitter, happier, more productive."). While we can't help you lose weight or spend more time with your family, we can help with one common New Year's resolution—to read more. Here are three simple ways Goodreads can keep you on pace to finish more books in 2012!

1. Set a concrete goal with the 2012 Reading Challenge. The idea is simple: Choose how many books you'd like to read this year. Maybe you want to read 20 books. Or 30. Or 100, if you're really ambitious. Once you've created your goal, we'll track the books you read and let you know if you're ahead of pace or falling behind. You can comment on your challenge and see your friends' goals. Last year, more than 150,000 people took the challenge, and on average, they aimed to read 65 books—that's more than one book per week! 2012 is shaping up to be an even bigger year, with more than 50,000 people already challenging themselves to read more than 3.7 million books!

To create a 2012 Reading Challenge of your own, click here!

2. Get recommendations to grow your to-read list. If you love books about sports, food writing, paranormal fantasy, or any imaginable genre, Goodreads can help you find incredible recommendations for more great books to read. Simply rate at least 20 books, and we'll recommend other titles we think you'll like. Create a shelf, such as "campus-novels" or "dystopic-coming-of-age" to get recommendations tailored to those books specifically. Or ask the Goodreads community of more than 6.5 million to suggest a great book!

3. Join a book club. Sometimes it's easier to read a book if you know there's going to be a great discussion at the end. Book clubs are terrific ways to stay motivated and keep on schedule with your reading. There are more than 17,000 book clubs on Goodreads, reading all kinds of books. Are you a sci-fi freak? Then check out The Sword and Laser. Looking for a book club that's local to your city? Use our groups near me feature to find just the right group. Book clubs on Goodreads are currently reading almost 10,000 books!

Let us help you make 2012 the year you read more books!



~Melangkah Dan Terus Melangkah...
Mujahidah Gagah Pada Minda Yang Diasah
Dengan Ketajaman Ilmu dan Akhlak Mulia...~

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